
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit.

Psychological support

Access to psychological help is a benefit valued by companies. The availability of an online psychologist, quick appointments and the anonymity of the meeting encourage people to reach out for help. Employees can discuss both personal and professional issues, which has a positive impact on coping, wellbeing and healthy efficiency.

Workshops and training

Face-to-face meetings, skill practice, discussion and the opportunity to discuss one's own cases are methods that definitely improve the effectiveness of learning. We encourage the use of this form of competence development in teams of employees. Training sessions will help to assimilate knowledge and practice skills. Workshops are practical activities focused on improving skills and developing solutions.

Intervention support

It is psychological help provided to people experiencing a psychological crisis or facing a challenge that is beyond them. It usually deals with emergency situations that are accompanied by loss of control over one's life and fear of coping. These may include an accident, diagnosis of an illness, death of a loved one, war, epidemic, exacerbated conflict and others. Support from a person or group is provided at a time when this help is most needed.


Rozwiązywanie problemów

Jesteśmy zespołem doświadczonych ekspertów. Pomagamy we wdrażaniu rozwiązań z zakresu ochrony dobrostanu, zdrowia psychicznego i wellbeing. Nasi psychologowie, terapeuci oraz trenerzy są dostępni dla Państwa podczas konsultacji, webinarów, warsztatów i innych wydarzeń zarówno na miejscu jak i online. Pracujemy w języku polskim, angielskim, ukraińskim i rosyjskim.

  • Stres w pracy
  • Wypalenie zawodowe
  • Uzależnienia
  • Depresja w miejscu pracy
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Wellbeing i dobrostan
  • Psychological support